Female using a microscope


Many things have been changed since the 1960s when laser technology was first discovered. Recent scientific advances enabled laser technology to be widely used in industry today, with new applications and processes that weren’t available just a few years ago.

LaserLux offers a manual micro laser welding and CNC welding.

Micro-Laser Welding

Micro-laser is the optimal solution for micromechanics complicated tasks. The latest laser welding methods we use allow us to micro-weld parts from a wide range of materials while preserving parts aesthetics and cleanliness and finish.

For example, the microscopic accuracy that starts at 50 Microns is suitable for miniature electromechanical product assemblies.

The technologies today require the production of the smallest devices possible, based on microscopic parts and systems. Super-focused micro-lasers provide precise and powerful welding solutions to the most delicate and complex tasks.

LaserLux micro-laser welding processes are the best for your products:

  • The use of a focused laser beam with the minimal heat required for the task, preserve the material structure and allow minimal thermal damage zone, energy-efficient, and safe production processes.
  • The lasers create the strongest welding connections which are durable for years.
  • With our lasers, your product has a seamless finish and strong welding points that prevent oxidation.
  • The laser beam can easily access the toughest spots and provide high-quality welding in the fastest and most efficient manner.
  • Our micro-laser welding technology suits many types of metals such as Stainless Steel, Titanium, Platinum Iridium, Gold, Nitinol, Aluminum and more.


Laserlux special services allow to expand your technological solutions with the improved and optimized assembly stages. 

We offer the typical process steps that combined with laser welding:

Passivation and electro-polishing for the Stainless Steel 

Thermal treatment for the Nitinol

Enforcement of the seals with the adhesive and epoxy bonding

Our facility offers vacuum and temperature-controlled infrastructure for the Teflon coating in the clean room environment.

Company employees own special skills for processing sensitive novel materials and textile micro-sewing.  Manual assembly process includes all types of gluing: UV, silicone and others.

Laser Item